Project #5 Anti-Surveillance Tool

A description of your project idea including context, recipient, and visual strategy you have employed.

My work is based on a map I created for reflecting the system issue behind food delivery apps. The software companies in China is exploiting these food delivery riders by using inhumane algorithm driven system. The system has repeatedly shortened the order delivery time, forcing riders to drive over speed or drive in the reverse direction. The so-called intelligent algorithm is pushed to its extreme not only by programmers who lack the thinking of social sciences but also by these struggling riders; the more they adapt to the time given by the system, the system will think that they can complete the task in a shorter time and make this an endless loop. My map is a fictional takeaway software order interface, in which the rider's order is gamified. The various unexpected situations that a rider may encounter on the road are also likened to mini-game levels. These levels are marked with icons on the interface, such as retrograde vehicles, thunderstorms, and bad-tempered merchants. This virtual system will automatically evaluate the risk of the road, but it will still recommend the best route for the rider based on the risk that the rider can bear in the past. I added some non-stop moving dots based on this interface that represent many riders, and they blur the map while driving. Next to the map, I added a grid composed of countless riders to show how many of them are. I hope to use this figurative image to show that the riders are trapped in the system.

Assignment Reflection

The reason why I decided to make my map as Anti-Surveillance Tool is because firstly, I think that very few people are aware of the flaws of this system while enjoying the take-out service. Secondly, my professor hopes I can add some elements that represents speed and intensity on my original interface. I think that using p5 to make animation effects is a way to reflect speed and dynamic elements. This task gave me the opportunity to improve my design.